Grading Tips

For any assignment, you may grade by student or by question.  Click the Plus Button  button to see the answers and grading options.

1. How do I know which questions need grading?

2. How do I set a 0 grade for a question or question part?

3. What is the fastest way to grade all free responses for a question?

4. How do I print a student assignment report for the student or parent?


1. How do I know which questions need grading?

When you open a student's answers, or open question by question grading, the questions list indicates which questions need grading.

The ungraded responses that need grading are underlined in yellow .

2. How do I set a 0 grade for a question or question part?

In the inline score box for an ungraded question, click the Mark 0 button.  In case there is no Mark 0 change 0 to 0.0 and hit ENTER or TAB, or simply click out of the box to set a 0 score.

In the case of a multi-part question with a free response, if you want to set the grade of the free response part to 0, you can add similarly add a 0.  For example, a 0.5 can be changed to 0.50 to mark it as graded.  Note:  This applies only to ungraded questions.  If the question is already marked as graded, you will get a no change alert.


3. What is the fastest way to grade all free responses for a question?

4. How do I print a student report for the student or parent?

From to the Grading page for the assignment you want to print out, choose "Grade by Student" and click on the plus button next to the student name who you want a printout for (see red box in screenshot below).
Then, click the arrow (see below, in red) to open the student's report in another page.  You can then print this page. The formatting isn't perfect for printing, but it works! 

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